My other 1/3 (yeah..mind the portion there) a.k.a my beloved bestfren is being sweet...
She did this survey thingy.....30 things about me. How sweet is she kan? hehehe... wait till i do this survey for her...
1. What's his/her full name?
+ solhaa m.mahfdzuz +
2. Does he or she have a bf/gf?
+ i like this Q.hehee..on the way i guess.oouuppsss~sile bekeje keras to that sumone!*berjanggut saye dan bofren menunggu*hahaaa... +
3. Do you know a secret about him/her?
+ not only 'a',but lottsaaaaa~+
4. Is this person older than you?
+ hahaaa,she is a 'kakak' la!
5. Has he/she ever cooked for you?
+ huh,kanechna!she's my favourite cook~jz cant resist!bak kate mus,sol celup tgn kat periuk ade air kosong,trus jd kuah spegeti.hahaa..hyperbola kah? +
6. When was the last time you thought of him/her?
+ jz nw~..*sweet giler kan* +
7. Do you have a nickname for each other?
+ currently both of us call each other-'kakak'.actually it was an influence from citer sindarela-kakak n butang.hahahaa...die lar tanak mengaku butang,trus panngil gua kakak plaakk~+
8. How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
+ adeyhh,countless! +
10. Have you seen this person cry?
+ definitely i had~the last tyme was on her birthday nyte.hahah,nanges dlm slimut!nyeh3~minah ni mmg tgkap leleh skett~ +
11. How long have you known this person
+ since na naaa...almost 7 years! +
12. Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
+ mestilahhhh...+
13. Have you ever had a sleep with him/her?
+ hehee,of cos!shud say her bed is mine too!+
14. If you ever moved away would you miss this person?
+ iyerrr~if everytyme im missing her i had a single flower then i could walk forever in my garden.*huuii aaiii*+
15. Have you ever given this person something?
+ haaaiihh~ape lg tak cukup???hehe,i love to gv her things that can made she's special in her own way +
16. Have you ever done something really stupid with this person?
+ hahaaa,ade2~gi sevastopol tyme winter yg hebat,then sampai2 windy plak,5 minit je turun from bus,pastu naik balik pulang ke simferopol. +
17. Have you ever made something with this person?
+ we had a great moment when we do things together +
18. Have you fought before?
+ huihhh,,toksah ckp lerrr!rase bole pecah pintu okie!jz if she stop being a lady boss,then i also stop being stubborn,fussy,bla bla bla...then evrything will be fine..*peace no war!* +
19. Do you know everything about this person?
+ not evrything lah~let it be in her own sweet chapter +
20. Person's shoe size?
+ hahaha...size 40.susaahh woooo nk cr kasut die nih!kalo kat msia saiz 8 pun not very sure lah!tgk cutting~+
21. Have you ever worn this person's clothes?
+ ada..ada!+
22. Have you ever heard this person sing?
+ uuurrgghh,of cos i had,but slalu out of tune.nyeh3~if die nyanyi satu lagu tuh,i jz cant recognize..*err..sebnarnye die nyanyi lagu ape ni??*hahahah.but sumtymes the song can be extra nice,i tell u~ +
23. Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 days?
+ hehehe...adeee! +
24.Have you and this person went clubbing?
+ br td die mrh bile ajak die g halloween clubbbing~cess,tak oversea lah minah nih!+
25. Do you know how to make this person feel happy?
+ definitely~bile sy wat seswatu,die senyum 6 hari tak brenti.*penat woo tunggu die pilih brg2 wat kek dieee..*+
26. Do you and this person talk a lot?
+ huuuiii...pom pang pom pang~+
27. who is his/her crush??
+ ouusshh~kalo list kan,tak pcaye plakkk the creater of all the gossips!.nyeh3~ +
28. Has this person yelled at you?
+ ha ah,always!"nama saya JANGAN,hari2 dia panggil saya JANGAN.bila saya nak kutip coklat atas lantai dia jerit JANGAN,bile sy nk picit ubat gigi kuat2,die jerit JANGAN lg,bla blaa..".she always like mak-mak .- +
29. Do you love this person?
+ definitely~seemes like the souls are connected!she is irreplacable...+
30. Do you want to be with him/her forever?
+ abes tu kang,husband kitorang nk letak mane?hahahaa...owhh,kalo berjiran mmg sng,tayah memasak lahh kalo begitu!+