Thursday, October 30, 2008

~My Sweet Bestfriend...~

My other 1/3 (yeah..mind the portion there) a.k.a my beloved bestfren is being sweet...
She did this survey thingy.....30 things about me. How sweet is she kan? hehehe... wait till i do this survey for her...

1. What's his/her full name?
+ solhaa m.mahfdzuz +

2. Does he or she have a bf/gf?
+ i like this Q.hehee..on the way i guess.oouuppsss~sile bekeje keras to that sumone!*berjanggut saye dan bofren menunggu*hahaaa... +

3. Do you know a secret about him/her?
+ not only 'a',but lottsaaaaa~+

4. Is this person older than you?
+ hahaaa,she is a 'kakak' la!

5. Has he/she ever cooked for you?
+ huh,kanechna!she's my favourite cook~jz cant resist!bak kate mus,sol celup tgn kat periuk ade air kosong,trus jd kuah spegeti.hahaa..hyperbola kah? +

6. When was the last time you thought of him/her?
+ jz nw~..*sweet giler kan* +

7. Do you have a nickname for each other?
+ currently both of us call each other-'kakak'.actually it was an influence from citer sindarela-kakak n butang.hahahaa...die lar tanak mengaku butang,trus panngil gua kakak plaakk~+

8. How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
+ adeyhh,countless! +

10. Have you seen this person cry?
+ definitely i had~the last tyme was on her birthday nyte.hahah,nanges dlm slimut!nyeh3~minah ni mmg tgkap leleh skett~ +

11. How long have you known this person
+ since na naaa...almost 7 years! +

12. Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
+ mestilahhhh...+

13. Have you ever had a sleep with him/her?
+ hehee,of cos!shud say her bed is mine too!+

14. If you ever moved away would you miss this person?
+ iyerrr~if everytyme im missing her i had a single flower then i could walk forever in my garden.*huuii aaiii*+

15. Have you ever given this person something?
+ haaaiihh~ape lg tak cukup???hehe,i love to gv her things that can made she's special in her own way +

16. Have you ever done something really stupid with this person?
+ hahaaa,ade2~gi sevastopol tyme winter yg hebat,then sampai2 windy plak,5 minit je turun from bus,pastu naik balik pulang ke simferopol. +

17. Have you ever made something with this person?
+ we had a great moment when we do things together +

18. Have you fought before?
+ huihhh,,toksah ckp lerrr!rase bole pecah pintu okie!jz if she stop being a lady boss,then i also stop being stubborn,fussy,bla bla bla...then evrything will be fine..*peace no war!* +

19. Do you know everything about this person?
+ not evrything lah~let it be in her own sweet chapter +

20. Person's shoe size?
+ hahaha...size 40.susaahh woooo nk cr kasut die nih!kalo kat msia saiz 8 pun not very sure lah!tgk cutting~+

21. Have you ever worn this person's clothes?
+ ada..ada!+

22. Have you ever heard this person sing?
+ uuurrgghh,of cos i had,but slalu out of tune.nyeh3~if die nyanyi satu lagu tuh,i jz cant recognize..*err..sebnarnye die nyanyi lagu ape ni??*hahahah.but sumtymes the song can be extra nice,i tell u~ +

23. Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 days?
+ hehehe...adeee! +

24.Have you and this person went clubbing?
+ br td die mrh bile ajak die g halloween clubbbing~cess,tak oversea lah minah nih!+

25. Do you know how to make this person feel happy?
+ definitely~bile sy wat seswatu,die senyum 6 hari tak brenti.*penat woo tunggu die pilih brg2 wat kek dieee..*+

26. Do you and this person talk a lot?
+ huuuiii...pom pang pom pang~+

27. who is his/her crush??
+ ouusshh~kalo list kan,tak pcaye plakkk the creater of all the gossips!.nyeh3~ +

28. Has this person yelled at you?
+ ha ah,always!"nama saya JANGAN,hari2 dia panggil saya JANGAN.bila saya nak kutip coklat atas lantai dia jerit JANGAN,bile sy nk picit ubat gigi kuat2,die jerit JANGAN lg,bla blaa..".she always like mak-mak .- +

29. Do you love this person?
+ definitely~seemes like the souls are connected!she is irreplacable...+

30. Do you want to be with him/her forever?
+ abes tu kang,husband kitorang nk letak mane?hahahaa...owhh,kalo berjiran mmg sng,tayah memasak lahh kalo begitu!+

Sunday, October 26, 2008

~HaPpY biRtHdAy~

Happy 24th Birthday Solhaa!!

p/s- kek besday first time in history besfren saya buat :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

~oPeN hOuSe~

Kepada sumer warga CSMU & OSMU, org2 kat Kiev, Lugansk, Kharkov & Sumee...Jemputlahh datang open house kitorang nih....Ader 2 sessi, so tengok lah kt kad jemputan korang tu nanti yerk( kpd dak2 csmu lah.yang bukan dr csmu tu bleh je nak dtg bile2 pon..hehe)

p/s - Kpd sape2 yg blum dpt kad jemputan tu, sabar2...on the way lah tu..hehe.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

~Hari raya pertama terakhir di Ukraine...~

Assalamualaikum semua...

Sure korang semua tgh sedap2 makan lemang,rendang,nasik impit,kuah kacang segala bagai kan?..masyuk2..
harini hari raya ke-2,saya sambut kt kelas lah,mcm biasa..tu kira okay la tu drpd ade budak2 ni yg kene beraya 1 syawal kt kelas...

so,camne sambutan raya?
saya kt sini okayla,sambutan macam biasa jugak..Harus ade makan2,pi beraye bilik kawan,dan yg paling penting sekali,bergambar lerr..hehe.
meh saya tayang sket gamba2 raya semalam ek...kot nak tayang semua,minggu dpn pon tak abes upload lg..hehe.Raya kali ni mmg amek gamba sangat banyak..buat kenang-kenangan..hehe.
Tapi gambar2 makanan tak sempat amek la plak...nak tau ke ape kitorg makan semalam? haa..meh saye cite sket eh..
Memule pagi tu,Solat raya cam biasa lah kt sport complex,then sesi bersalam-salaman..sedih2,taun depan tak raya sesame dh,then pas tuh,pegi park,amek2 gambar sume...
Pastu balik bilik, makan nasik impit,kuah kacang,ketupap palas (segera) dgn rendang ayam...perghh,syorgaaa.
Pastu,rehat2,lepak2...kol 2 ptg tu, kitorang geng2 cookingmate saye nih wat sambutan besday sorang junior,Tiha. besday die harini sebenarnye, tp dah alang2 masak2 kan, skalikan ajelah.
untuk sambutan tu, kitorg masak nasik daging,daging bakar,kari ayam,acar timun n air asam (ni masakan org Utara time raya...sapa org utara taula..)
memang kembung gilerr la perut mase tuh...pastuh kuar lg pegi park..amek gambar-gambaran lagi..hiks..yang pagi tadi tu dgn geng 6th yr, yang petang tu plak dgn geng2 junior..hehe.
pastu,gi bilik fit,makan lagi..pastu dh tak larat nk pi memane dh...balik bilik, pengsannnn...hehe. Tu ajelah cerite raya saya tahun nih...

6th years...actually ramai sume dh balik beraya...kitorg je dok seronok beraya dgn kamera..hihi

Klasmet gurls..

Ni masa sambutan besday tiha..

Beraya dgn kamera lg di park..hehe

Owh,ni gambar mase malam takbir...sangat berminyak okay muke saya,baru lepas goreng donut..

Ni masa nak solat hari raya...sempat lg tuh..

Adik kene salam cium tangan yerk..ahakz

Ni 6th yr gurls..

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